
Motif group: artefacts / bell / detached, without additional motif / bell with shoulder / bell-mouth consisting in one line / without yoke / with clapper / three bell handles
Watermark (mm): || 40, Width 28, Height 59
Twin mark:IT2000-B11_152
Source: Brixen/Bressanone, Priesterseminar, Cod. B 11
Part 1 (fol. 151), about 1414/1416
  List of watermarks of the manuscript
External Link: WZIS AT3800-PO-40523
3 related watermarks
identicalAT2000-380_136about 1414/1416
identicalAT8500-14822_2672. decade 15. century
identicalIT2000-I5_31about 1414/1415